A new Approach to diagnose deadly diseases

We are dedicated to transform the way we look at diseases through early detection and diagnostic technologies. We wanted to see the day when deadly diseases is treated easily because it can be routinely diagnose at an early stage.

Science, Medicine, Electronics meets Artificial Intelligence

Our Cognitive Biosensors is a fusion technology that requires technologies in all scientific fields ranging from chemistry, biology, electronic engineering, material engineering and enzyme engineering. We are developing a diagnostic tools that can measure biomarkers in deadly diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes, HIV, Cardiovascular diseases etc.

We cannot afford to loose a war against deadly diseases. Its too late, too expensive for humanity. It cost us billions of dollars and the people we love. Our Cognitive Biosensors Technology provides Real time Results, fewer samples, easily measurable, less affected by surrounding environment with Gold standard accuracy at price 200 times cheaper. Our Cognitive Biosensors Technology provides guidance for today and hope for the future.   If we’re successful, we believe this will be one of the most important discovery and scientific breakthrough and to solve the unsolved challenges of medicine. With Artificial Intelligence as a multiplier we are certain that in a very near future we can see breakthrough.

We are an international team of scientists, programmers, engineers, academes and researchers formed in one common goal to see a world a better place through technology and science. We have assembled a highly experienced team of experts to advance our with the goal of transforming the way diseases are diagnosed.